Thursday, May 24, 2012

Implement Programming Objects: Write automation scripts

(This is part of the Study Guide series, 70-464)

Microsoft’s Measured Skill description: This objective may include but is not limited to: automate backup testing; shrink file; check index fragmentation; archive data; run an SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) job; check disk space; automate backups

What I see:
·         automate backup testing
·         shrink file
·         check index fragmentation
·         archive data
·         run an SSIS job
·         check disk space
·         automate backups

Automate Backup Testing
                I wrote a script to do this.  Basically it takes a backup and restores it as a stand-alone database and then runs DBCC CHECKDB against the restored database.  It’ll report the results of the DBCC CHECKDB and then drop the database.  This script can be found here on my GitHub SQLSalt reposity.

Shrink File
                I’m actually a bit surprised that Microsoft put this in the objectives.  It is not advisable to consistently shrink database files, as this operation can cause extreme data fragmentation.  For my testing purposes, I altered the size of my MeasureMySkills database files to 10000 MB each to show the drastic differences in file shrinkage.  If you want to get database file space usage statistics for your current database, you could execute the following query:

use MeasureMySkills;

;with DatabaseFileInfo as
              db_name(database_id) as database_name,
              name as db_file_name,
              size * 8 as total_size_kb,
              fileproperty(name, 'SpaceUsed') * 8 as space_used_kb
       from sys.master_files
       where database_id = db_id()
       total_size_kb - space_used_kb as free_space_kb,
       cast(space_used_kb * 1.0 / total_size_kb * 100.0 as decimal(5, 2))
              as percent_used
from DatabaseFileInfo

This will let you know how much space is actually being used, and how much is allocated.  If for some reason you want to shrink a database file, you could do the following (I’m using my MeasureMySkills database in the following example):

-- shrink my data file
dbcc shrinkfile('MeasureMySkills', 0);
-- shrink my log file
dbcc shrinkfile('MeasureMySkills_log', 0);

Then re-running the database file space usage stats query from before, you should see regained space (for the data file, close to 100% usage and for the log file it will be bound by VLFs so your results may vary).  You can automate this process by creating a Maintenance Plan and utilizing a Shrink Database Task.  You could also use schedule a job to check a database’s file space usage, and if it drops below a certain threshold it could shrink database files (also possible cumulatively through DBCC SHRINKDATABASE).  Again, this is not recommended in production.  It is better to make an educated calculation of data scalability and create an appropriately sized database.  There’s a good saying that if space was once used by a database (i.e. it auto grew, or more space was allocated for a reason) then it will probably need it again.  Drive space is cheap; poor performance and unwieldy fragmentation can be expensive.

Check Index Fragmentation
                I wrote a script that can be found on my GitHub SQLSalt repository that basically gets a summary of index fragmentation for a particular database with a minimum page threshold.  It utilizes the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV with a join on the sys.indexes catalog view.  Running it against AdventureWorks2012:

use AdventureWorks2012;

@page_count_min bigint = 1000;

       db_name(ps.database_id) as database_name,
       object_name(ps.object_id) as object_name, as index_name,
from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
) ps
inner join sys.indexes i
on ps.object_id = i.object_id
and ps.index_id = i.index_id
where ps.page_count >= @page_count_min
order by ps.avg_fragmentation_in_percent desc;

Archive Data
                Archiving data can be done a few ways.  As far as automation goes, it could be something as simple as a SQL Server Agent job run daily (or weekly, or monthly) to copy data from an active table to an archive table.  This can also be done through PowerShell.  It is as simple as a DELETE FROM… OUTPUT INTO … statement.

Run an SSIS Job
                Again, running a SQL Server Agent job with an SSIS job step can be down through a SQL Server Agent schedule.

Check Disk Space
                Checking disk space can be something that is done by scheduling a job that makes a call to the master.sys.xp_fixeddrives extended stored procedure.  This will return a row per logical drive and the remaining space in MB.  If this is below a particular threshold, then use DBMail to send an email, log it to the event log, or take whatever action you find appropriate.  Likewise, you can setup a WMI alert within SQL Server Agent with a WQL query to notify this information.

Automate Backups
                This is one of the basic steps of automation.  It is typical for a DBA to create either a Maintenance Plan to do full, differential, and transaction log backups regularly and on a schedule, or create each individual SQL Server Agent job to accomplish the same tasks.  These are simple BACKUP DATABASE/LOG statements, and it is also worth noting that these backups should be tested for integrity.



If there are any comments, questions, issues, or suggestions please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at

Monday, May 21, 2012

Implement Database Objects: Work with XML data

(This is part of the Study Guide series, 70-464)

Microsoft’s Measured Skill description: This objective may include but is not limited to: implement XML; use XML (Query, Input, Output); retrieve relational data as XML; FOR XML; design a strategy to transform XML into relational data; design a strategy to query and modify XML data; understand XML data types and their schemas and interoperability, limitations, and restrictions; implement XML schemas and handling of XML data; when and when not to use XML, including XML namespaces; import and export XML

What I see:
·         query XML
·         Retrieve relational data as XML
·         XML data types
·         XML schemas

Query XML
                Querying XML can be achieved through the use of XQuery (introduced in SQL Server 2005).  There are a number of XML functions that are used.  Below are examples of a few of them:

use MeasureMySkills;

create table MyXmlTable
       id int identity(1, 1) not null,
       MyXml xml not null

insert into MyXmlTable
       some text

       MyXml.query('/root1/node1') as data
from MyXmlTable;

       MyXml.exist('/root1/node1') as data
from MyXmlTable;

       MyXml.value('(/root1/node1)[1]', 'varchar(40)') as data
from MyXmlTable;

                The modify() XQuery function uses the XML DML language specification.  These functions and this XML DML can be referenced here.

Retrieve relational data as XML
                The reverse of shredding XML into relational data (above) is retrieving relational data in the form of XML.  This is done utilizing FOR XML in your queries.  The four FOR XML options are RAW, AUTO, PATH, and EXPLICIT.  Detailed descriptions and examples can be found here on BOL.

XML data types
                There is a data specifically made for XML:  It’s appropriated called xml.  Upon declaration of an xml variable, you have the option to specify the XML schema the data will conform to.  For further reading on the xml data type, reference BOL.

XML schemas
                XML schemas and namespaces are used to created “typed” XML, meaning they are defined and checked against a set of structure rules they must follow.  For more information on how to create and alter, please see BOL.

·         BOL reference on FOR XML

If there are any comments, questions, issues, or suggestions please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Implement Database Objects: Create and modify constraints

(This is part of the Study Guide series, 70-464)

Microsoft’s Measured Skill description: This objective may include but is not limited to: create constraints on tables; define constraints; performance implications

What I see:
·         define constraints
·         create constraints
·         performance implications

Define constraints
                BOL sums this up nicely:  “Constraints let you define the way the Database Engine automatically enforces the integrity of a database. Constraints define rules regarding the values allowed in columns and are the standard mechanism for enforcing integrity.”  For a full description and a list of constraint types, see BOL.

Create constraints
                Creating constraints can be done one of a few ways.  Below shows a few examples:

use MeasureMySkills;

if exists (select * from sys.tables where name = 'ConstraintTest')
       drop table ConstraintTest;

create table ConstraintTest
       id int identity(1, 1) not null
              check (id > 0)

drop table ConstraintTest;

create table ConstraintTest
       id int identity(1, 1) not null,
       constraint CK_Id check (id > 0)

drop table ConstraintTest;

create table ConstraintTest
       id int identity(1, 1) not null

alter table ConstraintTest
add constraint CK_Id
check (id > 0);

Performance implications
                I recommend reading this great article by Grant Fritchey on how foreign key constraints can actually help the optimizer in eliminating tables from the plan.

·         BOL reference on Constraints
·         BOL reference on CREATE TABLE

If there are any comments, questions, issues, or suggestions please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at