Measured Skill description: This objective may include but is not
limited to: develop an optimal strategy for using temporary objects (table
variables and temporary tables); manage a table without using triggers; data
version control and management; create tables without using the built-in tools;
understand the difference between @Table and #table
I see:
table variables
temp tables
table variables vs. temp tables
basic table creation
Table Variables
defined in BOL, a table variable is a data type that stores a result set (as
opposed to our typical data types storing scalar data). They can be used in functions, stored
procedures, and batches.
use MeasureMySkills
declare @TableVariable1 table
id int identity(1, 1) not null,
SomeString nvarchar(100) not null
default replicate('a', 100)
insert into @TableVariable1
select *
from @TableVariable1
explicit indexes cannot be created on table
the optimizer cannot grant a cost with table
CHECK constraints, DEFAULT values, and computed
columns can’t make UDF calls
Temporary Tables
Temporary tables are tables that
are stored in tempdb for the duration of a session. There are two types of temp tables: local (defined with a single hash [#]), and
global (defined with two hashes [##]). A
local temp table has the scope of the creating connection, whereas a global
temp table can be accessed by all sessions (but it will still be dropped when
the creating session is ended).
use MeasureMySkills
create table #TemporaryTable1
id int identity(1, 1) not null,
SomeString nvarchar(100) not null
default replicate('a', 100)
create clustered index IX_TempTbl1
on #TemporaryTable1 (id)
insert into #TemporaryTable1
go 101
select *
from #TemporaryTable1
select *
from tempdb.sys.tables
where name like '#TemporaryTable1%'
temp tables are dropped when the creating
session ends (or when explicitly dropped), or when locally created in a stored
temp tables can have indexes created on them
Temporary Tables vs. Table Variables
I am going to reference a DBA
Stack Exchange answer by Martin Smith on the differences between a temp table
and a table variable. The post can be
found here. It is a very extensive and all-inclusive
post, so I recommend reading his answer from top to bottom. Great points and well laid out. A few take-aways from his information:
both are stored in tempdb
lifetime (table variables are for a batch, and
temp tables for a session [or stored procedure])
scope is a single session for table variable and
local temp table (owning session), but a global temp table is instance wide
both are logged in the tempdb transaction log
table vars can’t have statistics created, but
temp tables can
table variables cannot leverage parallelism,
whereas temp tables can
Basic Table Creation
tables can be one of the simplest tasks to do with T-SQL, but there are a lot
of caveats and options with table creation.
I recommend skimming the BOL reference on CREATE TABLE to get a feel for
what you may not be well-versed with.
For basic table creation code (in its simplest form), reference the
temporary table CREATE TABLE command.
Version-Controlled Code (GitHub)
If there are any comments, questions, issues, or suggestions please feel
free to leave a comment below or email me at
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