It is no mystery that, as data
professionals, we are oftentimes put in sticky situations where a lot of quick
and effective troubleshooting needs to happen in order to get to the bottom of
a specific problem. One of the most
prominent tools for that is Performance Monitor (Perfmon): A built-in performance counter capturing
utility. Perfmon is extremely effective,
yet the setup time can be a bit of an obstacle, as you need to select your
counters, configure data collector parameters… so on and so forth.
But Microsoft has given us yet
another tool to make this a bit easier and cut down our time through the use of
the command-line utility Logman. This tool allows us to setup and manage
performance counters and collector sets.
But let’s take this a step further:
Let’s automate to utilization of Logman so that we can run a quick
PowerShell script to quickly stand up a data collector set to get the
information we are looking for.
Before I jump right into the
PowerShell script, it’s worth noting a few of the Logman optional
parameters. Like most all-encompassing
tools, a lot of these parameters and options I will not be breaching here in
this post, but feel free to play with them and leverage their full
capability. Logman can create, start,
stop, delete, query, and update performance counter collections. The significant parameters (at least for our
needs right now) are as follows:
nnnn | mmddhhmm
Output versioning
“Counter 1” “Counter2”
Counter list
Counter list file
The path of the output file
bin | bincirc | csv | tsv | sql
Output file format
Sample interval
*Note: these are only
a few of many options. Please refer to TechNet for the full listing.
The above parameters are
relatively straightforward, but I want to concentrate on the –cf switch. This is going to be a file that contains a
list of counters (one per line) to load into the new data collector set. This is more significant than it might seem
on the surface, as we can have a little library of text files that contain counters
for each frequently used set of performance monitoring metrics. In other words, you can have a text file
called MemoryPressureCounters.txt
that’ll include a list of all the counters you’d typically use to troubleshoot
memory pressure.
Taking this idea of quick
Perfmon collector config, what I’ve done is created a PowerShell script to make
it even more streamlined. There are some
options that’ll probably remain relatively constant: Maybe the sample interval is typically a
desired five seconds in order to capture enough information, but not poll the
counters too often in a mid-range log.
Also, I may want to always store my log files in a central location with
a particular naming convention and that’ll typically never change. So instead of always having to type all of
this relatively static information in, I want to make this process as quickly
as possible.
# <DEFAULTS> [alter to environment specs]
$sampleInterval = 5
$defaultLogLocation = "C:\DefaultDir\Default_log"
# check to see if input
parameters were filled
if ($inf -eq "") {
Write-Host "ERROR!!! -inf must be set to counter file"
# if the machine name wasn't
supplied, use local
if ($mach -eq "") {
$mach = "localhost"
# if log location wasn't
supplised, use default
if ($logloc -eq "") {
$logloc = $defaultLogLocation
# if no collector name specified,
generate one
if($colname -eq "") {
$dataCollectorName = "pfs_" + [datetime]::Now.Ticks
else {
$dataCollectorName = $colname
Write-Host "Collection
Name: " $dataCollectorName
Write-Host "Log File
Write-Host $logloc
# create the collection and start
Write-Host "Attempting
to create collector set..."
logman create counter $dataCollectorName -s $mach -v mmddhhmm -cf
$inf -o $logloc -f csv -si $sampleInterval
Write-Host "Attempting
to start collector set..."
start $dataCollectorName
-s $mach
This is a very simple and
concise script, but effective in saving some time and eliminating repetitive
tasks. It takes three parameters:
-inf (required)
The path to the file containing the list of counters.
-mach (optional)
The name of a remote
machine. Omit if working with the local
-logloc (optional)
The path of the log file. If unspecified, it will use the default in
the script. Therefore, when pushing this
out to your environment alter the default parameters accordingly.
-colname (optional)
The desired name of the new data
collector set. If omitted, it will be
automatically generated.
So there you have it. By setting initial defaults right within the
script, it only actually requires one parameter to get a data collector set up
and running. There are a few things to
note: First off, the PowerShell script
will start the collector provided that it was successfully created. Also, it will run indefinitely and
unscheduled. In other words, as it is
shipped right now you will have to manually stop the data collection. Feel free to mold the code into your
particular desires and environment.
The code for this script can be
found on my GitHub SQLSalt
repository at the following location:
PerfMonStarter.ps1. Check back frequently for additional “counter
libraries” for common troubleshooting scenarios. If there are any questions or comments
regarding this post, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at
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